
Double Françoise (FR) : Single 2024:

Olivier Rocabois (FR) : Playing guitar on “Hometown Boys” from the album “Olivier Rocabois Goes Too Far” (2021)

David Chazam: Tribute to the Beatles for “Life Is a Minestrone” (2020, Coronavirus Lockdown) :

French Boutik (FR): Playing organ with the band on two albums and live shows. Here @ The 100 Club – London, November 2016161103-french-boutik-100-club-by-derek

Photograph courtesy of © Derek D’Souza at

Pierre Daven-Keller (FR) : Playing guitar on “intermezzo retro” from the album Kino Music

With Daniel Carlson & Jérôme Didelot (Orwell): Beach Boy Cover (2020)

Daniel Carlson (NYC) : Special show in Paris (2019)

The Sound Of Pop Art (UK): Special show in Paris with French Boutik members (2017)

Sébastien Souchois (since 1986)

Perio with Thousand (FR – 2008):

Les Hommes Responsables (UK – 2005) with Andy Nix (Semion), Huw Jennings (Twister) & Phil King (Jesus & Mary Chain, Felt, Lush…) 2005

060123 LHR CD cover

Twister (UK – 2003): Guitar on 4 songs of second album released in 2017

Tiken Jah Fakoly (Ivory Coast 1993-1996)Tiken Live 94

“Where did your long hair go…”

Tschack ! with David Chazam (FR – 1990):Tschack ! celaestbonlittle